Thursday, December 3, 2009

City Parish Survey!

Residents, please consider completing the survey on the City's Planning Commission Web site.

Some suggested language... feel free to augment the list and send in additional suggestions!

528 Kenmore Avenue and 536 Kenmore Avenue: Residential structures being used by Southern Camera (2978 Government) for storage. These houses are fire hazards, are run down, visually unattractive and potentially dangerous. They could be sold to residents and renovated or demolished and property sold for residential structures or rezoned for useful business.

3134 Government Street: Westmoreland Shopping Center (Old D.H. Holmes, Cohn-Turner, Tic-Toc Shoes building) has been vacant for 10 years and is a haven for the homeless, drug-dealers, panhandlers and transients. Should be sold to Catholic High School which is buying up houses on neighboring streets for future parking or campus expansion. Or it should be demolished and restructured into mixed use development. It is bringing down property value of surrounding residential neighborhoods.

2987 Government Street: Abandoned (and burned) commercial building. Could be fixed up and used for mixed-use residential and commercial property.

All of the sewer pipes on Kenmore Avenue between Government Street and Claycut are collapsing and causing flooding, sewerage backup into residences, and causing dangerous sink-holes (potential liability).

Friday, November 20, 2009

Welcome to Monte Vista

Monte Vista is a neighborhood located in the heart of Mid City in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Contrary to the name, there are no mountains to view. There are, however, some beautiful houses and some wonderful people making up this tight-knit community. Efforts are currently underway to start the Monte Vista Homeowners Association, a group open to all members of the Monte Vista neighborhood. For more information, check back on this blog or email