Tuesday, October 4, 2011

MVNA Fall Social

We would like to invite you to 538 & 546 Arlington Ave on Friday, October 7th 7pm-until for our Fall Neighborhood Social. We'll have light refreshments & snacks. As always, BYOB and if you would like to bring any additional snack food, feel free! We'll try to get fliers out this week for those not signed up for the email.

If anyone would like to participate in hiring a police officer again for Halloween night, please email Camie Wall (camie.wall@c-ka.com) and let her know in the next 2 weeks so we can set it up.



Thursday, September 22, 2011

Upcoming Fall Social

Looking like Saturdays are not really good. 2 fridays are our options: October 7th & 28th. Any takers? It's going to be a low-key pot luck type deal here at our home and Shelley Warrington & Melissa Braud's place next door. If the weather is cool enough, we'll probably have a fire out back as well. Get back to me with your preference please.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

MidCity FixUp this Saturday!

MidCity FixUp!
Volunteers needed this Saturday, May 14th 8am-4pm

The FixUp project will benefit Ms. Hannah Bien, a 50-year resident of Monte Vista @ 845 S. Eugene St.

Work being performed will include cleaning, painting, light landscaping, some carpentry, and general maintenance. All residents and non-residents are invited to come out and lend a hand to improve our neighborhood.

If you have any questions, email or call Justin Lemoine: jklemoine@gmail.com or 225.931.4863 or Lori Hyatt: loriannhyatt@gmail.com or 225.266.5736

Monday, April 18, 2011

Vehicle break in 4/18

What a start to Spring Break. A vehicle at 807 S. Eugene was broken into just now.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Be on Alert!

I wanted to alert you to an incident that occurred this morning at Westmoreland Shopping Center. I'm not clear on all of the details, but it appears that a black male, dressed in all black 5'6 to 6'0 around 160ish, late 20's shot at a cop (or cops) and it is unclear whether he robbed Chase or the Dollar Store, but police are in the area looking for him, so please don't open your door and let me know if you hear anything.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Neighborhood Association Meeting 3/31

The March MVNA meeting will be held on Thursday, 3/31 at 6:30pm at the home of Justin and Lauren Lemoine (538 Arlington Ave.) We will discuss Fix Up! Mid City as well as the crime related issues we've been dealing with.

Monday, March 28, 2011

March MVNA Meeting!

Just a reminder that the March MVNA meeting will be held on Thursday, March 31st at 6:30 PM at our house, 538 Arlington Ave. Hope to see you all there!

On the agenda we will be discussing Neighborhood Watch and crime-related issues as well as the Fix Up! contest for Mid City. Remember, if you have a house you'd like to nominate, let me know ASAP as the applications are due Friday.


Justin Lemoine
President, MVNA

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crime Alerts!

So there have been 3 robbery or robbery attempts in Monte Vista over the last two weeks. The two actual robberies were on the 700 block of Arlington and 800 block of Eugene and took place in the middle of the day. The Arlington robbery indicates that someone is watching the neighborhood as Mr. Ivy is a retired person who stays home all day and left the house for a doctor's appointment.

The most recent attempted break in happened last night (around 3am) when someone tried to enter the house through a window. Thankfully the alarm system was in place and scared the burglar away. With the warmer weather and the migration of homeless going through town, this is only going to get worse. You should recall that a couple of spring breaks ago, nearly every house on Arlington was robbed in the middle of the day. Invest in alarm systems if you can. Know who is home during the day and can keep an eye out for you. Use common sense - do not keep valuables in your vehicles. Lock up your lawn mowers and easily transportable goods. Report anything and everything suspicious to the BR Police.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Neighborhood Watch Alert 3/15

814 South Eugene was broken into and robbed this morning around 10-10:30AM. Neighbors called the police and reported seeing an African American man in the vicinity. Based on the description it looks like the suspect is wanted in the Beverly home invasion. Keep an eye out for one another! Reminder: Neighborhood Watch Mtg is scheduled for 7pm on Sunday, 3/20 at 558 Arlington Ave.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Neighborhood Watch Alert 3/11

I am passing along some information from our neighbors and calling a meeting of the Monte Vista Neighborhood Watch: Sunday, March 20 at 7pm in 558 Arlington Ave. Call me at 225-387-0634 or email sherijean@gmail.com and let me know if you will make it!

From the Broussard Civic Association:

Someone tried to break into 1011 Marwede around 8 am this morning. They attempted to kick in the back door but were unsuccessful. The alarm went off and apparently scared them away. They had moved the garbage can near the front door and had plans to dump their goods in it and roll it down the street. The police officer that responded said that they have had similar incidents on Kenmore, Arlington and several other locations in the area. He said people need to be aware of anyone walking around in the area no matter what they look like and call BRPD at 389-2000 to report them. He also mentioned that they had a home invasion recently on Beverly (north of Government St.) because someone opened their door to a stranger who then put a gun in their face to gain entry. He said that we all need to stop being so polite to strangers and not be afraid to report them to the police.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Neighborhood Watch Alert 2/22

We have had two reports of car break ins over on Eugene. As a reminder, please do not keep valuables in your car and make sure your vehicle is locked. I recommend investing in motion sensing lights especially around your car ports and drives. This is a good deterrent and will keep you you driving into the dark when you arrive home at night. Stay safe people!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Neighborhood Watch Alert

While it seems that life has been fairly calm in Monte Vista, our neighbors in Webb Park and Hundred Oaks have not been as lucky. I am including what we have heard of so far:

.) Burglary/Scam. A neighbor that lives on Longwood, between Broussard and Woodside was burglarized today. A white lady, about 5’4” with blonde hair identified herself as a person who worked for the water company. She informed the homeowner that they needed to turn off the water for a few hours to work on the line. She asked if she could come inside to check the home owner’s water pressure. The home owner allowed her to come inside. The lady then asked the home owner if they would show her where the water meter was located outside. So the home owner walked outside with the lady to find the water meter. Long story short, the lady left and when the home owner went back inside, they discovered they had been robbed. The lady who was “checking the water pressure” was distracting the homeowner while someone else was inside the house stealing.

The lady who distracted the home owner was a fast talker, maybe in her 30’s, with an accent, possibly from New York. She was picked up by a white van, driven by a white male. Please pass on this information to your friends and neighbors, and particularly those who may not have email or older relatives who may live alone.
2.) A house on Steele Blvd was burglarized today. Another large flat screen TV was stolen.
3.) A house on Richland near Hundred Oaks was also found burglarized today.
4.) a car on Myrtle
My car was unlocked but under a carport, the satellite radio is gone and they went thru every nook n craney in there. No one heard or saw anything.

The Burglary/Scam that happened today on Longwood is not uncommon. But these scams come in different forms. Today it was a “water pressure” excuse, but tomorrow it could be another type of utility company or excuse to get in your house. If this happens, don’t let them in, call the police and try to get a description of the vehicle or license plate number. Here are a few other things to remember:

* Stop and think. Are you expecting anyone to come to your home? Most utilities and service staff won't come to your home unannounced. They will make an appointment before showing up.
* If your door has a chain, put it on before answering the door. It will create a barrier between you and the caller.
* If someone unexpected, who you don't know, comes to your home, don't let them in unless you are absolutely certain they are genuine.
* Try not to keep large amounts of cash in your home. Keep things like your pension book, savings book, checkbook and credit cards well hidden.

We need everyone to be on the look out for anything suspicious. Write down license plate numbers, take pictures and call the police (389-2000). See you this evening at the MVNA meeting!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January MVNA Meeting

Hello All,

I hope you had a great holiday season. Sorry I'm a little late sending this out, but we'll be holding our January MVNA meeting at Sam and Alla Muffoletto's house (663 Arlington - corner of Oleander & Arlington) on Thursday, January 27, 2011 @ 6pm. We'll be outside in the side yard again unless weather decides otherwise. A representative from Catholic High School will be present to discuss the recent acquisition of the Westmoreland Shopping Center property. They will talk briefly about what the non-profit and the school plan to do with it in the immediate future as well as what the long-term plans are for the school. We will also talk a little about the neighborhood watch and what you can do to be a part of it.

We hope to see you all there.


Justin Lemoine
President, MVNA